Written by:
Colby Joe Hunt Founder/Lead Producer
What does TRIBE stand for?
I'm often asked, "what does TRIBE83 stand for?" The answer lies in a brief story.
In 2004 my family and I found ourselves stuck in amidst a strong, racially influenced conflict in our southern Colorado hometown that would eventually break national headlines. Although times were very tough for my family and I, we made it through many hardships with the love and support of family, friends, and teammates. We created a family-like bond outside of our blood line during those four long years, and I vowed to someday tell our story as the ultimate "thank you" to everyone involved. Those unwavering supporters became The Reason I Believe in my cause Everyday (T.R.I.B.E), which was to tell the story of small victories that brought a band of misfits together to defeat incredible odds.
A few years passed and eventually it hit me...the best way to tell our story would be through film. So I began dabbling in the film world and instantly fell in love with the process. Soon I was shooting wedding videos, creating graphic designs, and producing small scale films with the help of close friends. This eventually stemmed into a small business venture, and those reasons I became a film maker long ago, turned into a career in media production.
TRIBE83 is more than a brand, it's the concept that everybody has a driving force. A reason they do, what they do. Mine was formed in the years of my family's struggle, but our story of victory over adversity is my guiding force. I believe everyone has a story of their own, and it's my mission to bring those stories to life in whatever way possible. I like to think that shared stories will create a better understanding of one another, and hopefully generate a better world to live in.
The number 83 is the sum of my teammates' numbers (which are tattooed on my shoulder) that shared in the fight of civil warfare within our small community. They are a collective representation of the people that got my family and I through something that would otherwise be impossible, and they are the driving force behind our business - which is creating new media for the whole world to share, and enjoy together.